news title 1 2021-08-30 How drones are changing search and rescue Drones are rapidly entering many different industries. UAVs are designed to provide cost-effective real-time data and imaging ... 瞭解更多
無人機如何改變搜索和救援 2020-12-14 搜救無人機由警務人員,消防員和志願救援隊等緊急服務人員使用,因為它們非常適合在廣闊的環境中尋找失踪人員和在任何環境下都需要救援的犯罪受害者。在地震和颶風等自然災害發生後,無人機可以為救援人員提供重要的實時視覺信息和數據。 瞭解更多
news title 2 2021-01-15 Drone knowledge that everyone can understand UAV is the abbreviation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle). It is an unmanned aircraft that uses radio remote control equipment and self-provided program control devices. 瞭解更多
誰都能看懂的無人機知識 2021-02-26 無人機是無人駕駛飛機的簡稱(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle),是利用無線電遙控設備和自備的程序控制裝置的不載人飛機,包括無人直升機、固定翼機、多旋翼飛行器、無人飛艇、無人傘翼機。廣義地看也包括臨近空間飛行器 瞭解更多
news title 3 2022-07-15 Why drones are the eco-friendly future Is it a bird? Is it an airplane? No, this is a drone. Like any industry, there will always be exciting and innovative developments ... 瞭解更多